Cowgirl Kitchen

Poached Eggs

  Poached eggs are my nemesis.  I know that most cooks will say, “What’s the big deal?” But I can’t make  decent poached eggs to save my life. However, I see no reason to master this skill.  There’s someone in my house that makes the perfect poached egg.  Yes, I’m married to him.  Where this… Read More Poached Eggs

Cowgirl Blog

Gather Bulls

  At 5:00 am my cowboy husband went out the front door saying, wish me luck, I’m going out to gather bulls.  Well after choking on my coffee, I said, “What?!!”  What are you riding? He said Champ.  Champ is our stallion that can do it all.  He is a well-trained cutting horse, rope horse,… Read More Gather Bulls