Cowgirl Blog

Sometime you need to take a long ride…



Morning Horse Ride

While I was on a morning ride, I thought of a quote I read on Pinterest.   That’s me, I need to go for a horse ride. I have a horse that’s  broke to death and will take me anywhere so that’s what I did.

I took our 25-year-old mare and went for a morning ride. We climbed up and down the hills, and though she doesn’t like to go downhill sometimes we must sooner later.

Because I’m not very big and my horse is tall, I’m lucky to live in hills. There’s always a rock or  hill on which to stand and get on. I hate the fact that my legs are not limber as they were and I’m not as strong as I was, but it’s not going to stop me.  Once you give up you’re done.

People might say, “oh that poor old horse you’re still out there riding her”. I will answer every time it’s the best thing for her. We put our little grandkids on her and she trots around. She’s doing really well and we’ve added a joint supplement to her feed.  She doesn’t do much hard work, barely breaks a sweat for sure, and she keeps everybody safe. Yes, she’s a little arthritic but even people with arthritis can’t just sit down in the rocking chair and not move.  You just get stiff all over I think it’s as good for her mind as it is for her body just like it is for people. Besides, she’s in a big field with her spoiled little boy that is now nearly 20 years old. He stand on top of the ridge calling for her the whole time we’re out riding.  He needs a little separation.

I can’t wait until we get a little rain and the hills turn a little green. Now it’s important to  look-out for rattlesnakes. I just hate those suckers. They scare me to death and though I have only seen one this year, which is very unusual, I know they’re here.

Just like the quote I posted, I thought about things as I rode.

My thoughts turned to  how lucky we are to live in a country where we have the freedom of choice to live this way. I thought about my family and how, for all the tears that have been shed by every one of us, we have been strong enough to remain healthy and happy. My husband and I pray for our grandchildren to hang on to the same values of faith, compassion, hard work and gratitude. Mostly, I was just quiet, and we both walked our way back to calm.