Cowgirl Style

Use Vests As Layering Pieces

I often use vests as layering pieces to maximize function.  Tomorrow I plan to go to a Home and Garden Show in Fresno. 

I really like this cargo vest I found at Costco the other day for $9.99.  It’s got a hood and pockets and it actually has a shape you can adjust with an inside toggle. I’ve seen them everywhere like Amazon.

Why are pockets so important? 

If you ever gone to a trade show or crowded area and try to maneuver your way through a crowd, you know a large handbag is a pick-pocket’s dream. And they are watching you, especially since you’re distracted by all the different booths.  Ditch the handbag.  With people bumping into you, as you stop and start to different booths, you can find yourself getting literally stuck by a large handbag.

Pockets in vests, especially inside pockets allow you to shop hands-free with keys, phones and your credit card in your front jean pocket.  I put my valuables there since I can barely get my hand in, and can definitely feel someone else violating that region.

I love being able to get  my phone quickly and  snap photos of great ideas that I can go home and recreate.

What weight vest to wear?

I rarely wear those big puffer vest to an event like this.  They get way too hot.  Plus they make me  look like the Michelin man. You’ll be mostly inside at this event so a light layer is adequate, using the vest as a basic layering piece. A lightweight vest also helps to disguise figure flaws without adding bulk.  It’s supposed to rain finally but the Central Valley rarely experiences huge downpours, hence the hood could be useful. If I knew it was going to make for a bad hair day, I always keep a ball cap in the car (to match of course).

Here’s my plan for tomorrow.

I showed my husband this picture. He laughed and asked, why do you put the phone in front of your face.  I said I didn’t believe that people would listen to my fashion thoughts if they knew how old I was. He mad me cry, he can be so sweet.   He told me I looked great and when women see that you don’t have to be 30 something to be out there doing what you do, it could give inspiration. Tony at the feed store asked where I was going all dolled up.  These cowboys are good for the morale.  But I didn’t retake the picture.

I really like the way you can cinch in the waist as much as you’re comfortable with for the day.

I added a lightweight scarf that gives a little color to the face and another aspect to thevest as a layering piece. I’m thinking of wearing a pair of Ugg boots but could just as easily wear an athletic sho vests as layering pieces.

Variety of Vest Styles

light quilted vestfur vestlong fringe vest