Cowgirl Blog

10 Ways to Know You’re a Cowgirl

10 Ways to Know You’re a Cowgirl

There are  at least 10 sure ways to know if you’re a cowgirl.  Some of them have nothing to do with horses.  I used to teach high school.  Luckily it wasn’t a foregin notion to some of my students that a teacher could be a cowgirl.  But some of them would look at me real funny and say, “I can’t believe you’re a cowgirl you don’t drive a truck. Well, no most of the years  I drove my hour commute to school, I drove a Toyota Camry,  Some days,  if you looked in the trunk, you’d find a saddle going to the repair shop or a couple of sacks of grain and blocks of salt that I had picked up in the morning before class.

  1. Someone at work tells you that you have hay in your hair.

                                         It’s always not until after lunch, WHY?

  1. All your jeans wear out in the same place, your butt. You wear them anyway.
  2. The only sewing you do is the repair of your horse blankets.

    Sewing Blanket Outside if you're a cowgirl
    Do this outside or your house will smell like a stall for days


  1. You shop for clothes at the feed for clothes at the feed store if you're a cowgirl
  2. You don’t pay for a pedicure so you can pay the the farrier instead of getting a pedi, if you're a cowgirl



  1. You know the drive-thrus where you won’t get stuck with your horse trailer.

    horse in drive-thru if you're a cowgirl
    If the trailer won’t fit.,ride thru


  1. You wash your horses tail with your expensive shampoo and conditioner or vice-versa.


  1. You are more comfortable going pee in the trailer with your  horses than using a porta-potty.

( no picture–Not necessary)

  1. You pick out something you want at the feed store (tell the person that works there) because you know that’s where your cowboy is getting your birthday present when he forgets.

HINT: Get your feed store to carry western jewelry at least.

10. When you tell someone you want more boots for Christmas, you mean for your horse.

but you’d take these