Do’s and Don’ts Sewing Faux Fur
There are do’s and don’ts sewing faux fur. Consider all these before starting your project to get the best results. I found that when sewing white faux fur, it was like having at least two Great Pyrenees as house pets.
But when your daughter asks you to make a fur throw and matching euro shams pillows, you deal with the difficulties because love conquers all.
Let’s start with the…
- Don’t wear lip gloss.
Need I say more. You’ll be spitting fur like Sylvester spitting feathers. (Tweetie reference)
- Don’t wear black unless the fur is black.
There isn’t any way you won’t be covered from head to toe
- Don’t turn on a fan.
Every time you touch the loose fur it becomes airborne. It gets better once you serge all the edges. I used my 35-year-old serger for this and vacuumed it afterwards.
- Don’t use a broom to clean the floor.
The sweeping promotes “fur flight”. It can land anywhere. Though you can use an electrostatic dust mop
- Don’t use your ironing board to do anything when sewing with faux fur.
Only use a slick surface that is easy to vacuum.
- Do clean your sewing machine after completing project.
A linty sewing machine is the enemy of smooth sewing.
- Do close or cover your computer and all other electronics.
There will be fur airborne. I wear glasses to keep it out of my eyes and from getting stuck in my mascara. Electronics hate dust, so you can imagine the problems short or long hairs can cause.
- Do use a vacuum to clean all surfaces in your room.
A broom simply gives the fur loft into the air. A damp dust mop or cloth can work. I used a piece of dry faux suede and it captured a great deal.
- Do use a serger or edge treatment.
This will keep the raw edges from continuing to shed. I haven’t tried a zig-zag stitch.
- Do cut pieces from the back side. You’ll get a more accurate cut.
- Do use a walking foot when combining another fabric with faux fur.
If you are sewing fur to a lighter fabric, sew with the fur on top for less shifting. As you continue sewing with faux fur, it might be necessary to pull out any fur caught in the seams using your fingers, a comb or a pin.
- Do empty the vacuum when you are done with the clean-up.
You might want to visit for some more tips and tricks.