Ranch Repairs-
All the ranch repairs on this place are DIY and repairs are an everyday occurrence. They can range from small and quick, to huge and overwhelming. Not everyone on the ranch has the skills to do all these ranch repairs. It is important to recognize what you don’t know. It is, despite what someone thinks, important to also have the right tools for the job at hand. Yes, that’s sarcastic.
I am married to a cowboy that tries to use fence plammers or a chainsaw to fix everything. A plammer is an actual tool and it is rather indispensable. He is good with that chainsaw and the plammers.

I find it is necessary to get jobs done with less strength. When I have the right tool for the job, I can get it done. I often do not have the grip strength or shoulder strength to muscle a bolt on or off. But when I have an air impact wrench I surely can.
Today’s Ranch Repair
Today I was asked to fix the saddle racks in our tack room. He’s so cute and a little manipulative when he asks. He said, “Can you see what I need to get the saddle racks back on the wall?”. With that little statement, he’s knows I will make it my mission to get the job done.
Saddles get thrown, literally, onto these racks several times a day. They are gradually loosened from the wall. While my husband was riding the colts, I proceeded to put things back together.
Tools Needed
I first removed some of the framing nails he had used as a temporary fix. If you look closesly you can see what I’m faced with. I couldn’t stand it. So I fixed the racks that weren’t loose with the right screws so that I wouldn’t have to do it again.
We don’t have power at the tack room. I moved our generator to the outside porch so that exhaust and noise was not overwhelming. You can use a cordless drill driver for a lot of repairs. For most ranch repair jobs, my preference is an electrical drill for its torque rather than the cordless.
I found enough hex washer screws for the job in my handy-dandy fastener organizer. The studs were already marked with screws. Several years-ago I was given this bit set for Christmas and it bothers me when some are missing. Luckily, I had the right bit for the job. All I had to do was power drive them in through the saddle rack and into the wall.
Rural vs. Urban Repairs
This wasn’t a big job because I’m a country girl with a be-prepared attitude. Otherwise I would spend a lot more time going to town to find the right materials. I would spend an hour driving to town because there isn’t a hardware store in our town. I always fill up the truck or car if it’s below 1/2 tank because there isn’t a gas station in our town. That takes time and money. I would waste about an hour wandering around the hardware store looking at things and probably buying something besides the screws. But I didn’t do that. My husband can tease and call me “Tim the tool-woman” but I, and my toolbox, almost always come through. BAM! Nailed it!