Cowgirl Blog, most recent posts

Ranch Repairs

Ranch Repairs- All the ranch repairs on this place are DIY and repairs are an everyday occurrence. They can range from small and quick, to huge and overwhelming.  Not everyone on the ranch has the skills to do all these ranch repairs.  It is important to recognize what you don’t know.  It is, despite what someone… Read More Ranch Repairs

Cowgirl Blog, most recent posts

Horse Training

Horse Training Today my husband and I started a horse training contract different than any before, a partnership. He has trained horses for forty years in many different disciplines and has always specialized in starting young horses.  These horses have been trained for many different people as well.  They have been rich, budget-minded, young and… Read More Horse Training

Cowgirl Blog

Gather Bulls

  At 5:00 am my cowboy husband went out the front door saying, wish me luck, I’m going out to gather bulls.  Well after choking on my coffee, I said, “What?!!”  What are you riding? He said Champ.  Champ is our stallion that can do it all.  He is a well-trained cutting horse, rope horse,… Read More Gather Bulls